Wydział Architektury PB


Subject type hour/week hour/sem. ETCS
Seminar – Contemporary architecture S 2 30 4


Description : The task of the seminar is studying contemporary architectural forms of residential architecture (module 1) and public buildings architecture (module 2). The course will start with short lecture, showing some examples of contemporary architecture from Poland.

The seminar activities: reading, studying case studies from repository list including examples from different countries, analyzing, discussing, comparing, working individually and in the group, excursion (optionally).

Terms of evaluation: each students should prepare two presentations (concerning each module) and also should write two elaborates, analyzing, comparing and discussing chosen examples based on previous studying work during the semester.  


The skills and knowledge which student gain:

  • knowledge about contemporary architecture of public buildings
  • knowledge about contemporary architecture of residential architecture
  • understanding of ideas of architectural forms, the context
  • ability of comparing and analyzing chosen aspects of architecture such as local tradition, composition, materials, sustainability, space, density, etc.
  • skills for individual scientific research.
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